NATURAL ANTIVIRALS: for Coronavirus Disclaimer:
The plants detailed below are part of a promising study of candidate herbs to inhibit the novel coronavirus that is causing COVID-19.
I am not a medical doctor. I have used herbs to maintain my health and the health of my family.
The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the statements below. This blog is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
By now, we all should know and employ the means to prevent ourselves from getting sick or risk spreading the disease. As the CDC guidelines tell us, we should:
· Wash our hands for 20 seconds with soap and water
· Disinfect “high touch” or “common space” surface areas
The following supplements and food, on the other hand, would give your immune system an extra kick, said the doctor.
· Vitamin D, Vitamin C and Zinc.
· Vitamin-C-rich food: Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mandarins, Lemon, Lime, Squash, Tomatoes, and Brussels sprouts.
· Natural antioxidants: Tumeric, Ginger, Garlic and Lemons!
· Vitamin and mineral-rich food: Cabbage, kale, Spinach, Moringa, and leafy vegetables
“In general go back to the Basic tenet, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds and vegetables are good for us,”
Eat a nutritionally rich diet: A healthy diet is one of the keys to a healthy, robust immune response when you do get exposed to viruses and bacteria. Keep your diet simple, light, and eat healthy foods only. An optimally healthy diet is a basic Mediterranean-style diet that includes 6 to 8 servings of fresh veggies and fruits daily, nuts, seeds, whole grains, legumes, etc.
GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Sleep quantity and quality play a role in immune health, and lack of adequate sleep can make us more susceptible to colds, the flu, and can impair immune response more generally, while creating a generally heightened inflammatory state. How much sleep do most of us need for optimal health? No less than 7 and no more than 9 hours per night of good rest. Having sleep troubles? The tips I share here might help.
Zinc plays an important role in immunity, helping the body to fight invading bacteria and viruses, and may help the lining of the respiratory passages prevent against viral replication and inflammation. The best form for preventing respiratory infection is zinc lozenges, preferably zinc acetate, which may also help to reduce the severity of upper respiratory symptoms associated with colds. I don't recommend nasal sprays which can alter sense of smell, or zinc tablets or pills, as they aren't as well absorbed. A dose of 5 to 10 mg/day is typically enough, but you can take up to 45 mg/day for up to a few weeks. I recommend the lower doses for pregnant women and breastfeeding women (make sure to also see how much is in your prenatal vitamin). As I learned the hard way from two vomiting young children on a cross-country car trip about 30 years ago, zinc supplementation can cause nausea and vomiting, so preferably take your zinc supplement with a meal, though many combination lozenges that contain other herbs and honey, for example, are less nauseating.
Zinc supplements can interfere with the absorption of certain medications including quinolone or tetracycline antibiotics. If antibiotics are required for the treatment of COVID-19 complications or another infection, discontinue supplementing with extra zinc. It may also interfere with diuretics and medication used to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis – so check with your doctor if you're taking either before supplementing with zinc.
Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin that has an important effect not only on bone health, but on immune function and ability to fight infections. According the a 2017 meta-analysis in the British Medical Journal, vitamin D supplementation was safe and it protected against acute respiratory tract infection overall. Individuals who were very vitamin D deficient experienced the most benefit from taking it. A study published in Thorax found that Vitamin D deficiency is common in people who develop Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), one of the feared complications of COVID-19, and per this report, appears to contribute to the development of the condition.
The best form of vitamin D for maximal absorption is Vitamin D3, and supplementing between 3000- 5000 IU/day is a safe and ample dose for most people, and is safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Per the Office of Dietary Supplements, up to 4,000 IU/day for children 9 years and older, adults, and pregnant and lactating women is considered quite safe. Children's doses are typically 400 to 800 iu daily.
For best absorption, try taking it with a meal that also contains healthy fats, like or avocado, though it can be taken any time.
Vitamin C is probably the most commonly recommended nutrient for cold and flu prevention, and there’s a reason for it.
Not only does it help immune cells function properly, nearly 150 studies demonstrate that it can help fight different pathogens and supports the health of the respiratory passages. But those are all animal studies. Can it help prevent colds and flu in people? Here’s what a 2013 Cochrane Database Meta-analysis, based on 29 trial comparisons involving 11,306 participants, had to say:
· Vitamin C appears to lead to a 50% reduction in the likelihood of catching a cold in athletes who “perform regular or acute bouts of intense exercise” compared to athletes who don’t take Vitamin C.
· Cold duration may be reduced by about 8% in adults who take vitamin C regularly, and colds may also be less severe.
What about Garlic? While garlic is one of the most classic herbs used to prevent and treat respiratory infection, and historical evidence even suggests it may have prevented some sub-populations in Europe from the Plague, it is more specific to bacterial infections and viral infections.
Nonetheless, it is one of my personal go-to dietary strategies for overall health and immune health. I include garlic as well as ginger, also an antimicrobial herb in my cooking and ginger in my tea almost daily, which I highly encourage for general health if you tolerate either or both of these healthful herbs.
Ginger & Lemon tea is perfect to drink daily, especially if you start to feel sick!